My Autumn
On the north side of the
house is the courtyard and this was the site for my latest project. On the
opposite side of the courtyard away from the house lies a border where I grow a
small collection of roses. This bed is
backed by a dry stone boundary wall, two medium sized holly trees (shaped every
winter) and two large Scots pine.
From early May until
October this rose bed is a wonderful display of colour from
delicate clusters of pure white to dark cerise blooms heavy with heady
perfume. I have planted here mainly
shrub roses – such as Rosa Anthony, Charlotte, Robert le Diable as well as a
few ramblers which I have transplanted from elsewhere in the garden (I
don't know their names).
Over the years I have
experimented with various ways of companion planting for the rose bushes - hardy
geraniums, alchemilla mollis, ferns, hostas - I think I have tried just about
everything and I have never been really happy with any of the results as you can see here the border looks very miserable in early spring. I
felt like trying something different.
Following a autumnal trip to Thorpe
Perrow Arboretum in Yorkshire, I wanted to reproduce their fantastic range
of stunning autumn and winter colours.
Shrubs were out of the question as I felt that the roses would be
sufficient to provide bulk to the area, this meant I was limited to perennials. It is very easy to put together a list of
perennials which provide colour through autumn-winter-spring but one has to
experiment to see which one will actually thrive in situ.
I started by interspersing the roses with cyclamen in groups of three.
I then dotted about a few members of the aster family including
symphyotrichum novi-belgii and
novi-angliae for early autumn colour.
Here and there at the front of the border some erica
carnea and calluna vulgaris.
To finish off persicaria macrophela “Purple Fantasy”.
and persicaria macrophela “Red Dragon” (I think), likewise the tones are beautiful in Red Dragon and are further illuminated when the sun shines on the plant.
Heucheras, trailing
heuchera, heucherella and a very small specimen of rudbeckia Goldstrum were
also planted to the front.
I know a lot people grow
cornus and acer for autumn winter colour and I did try growing three cornus
flaviouruous a few years back; I have to admit that in the winter they out
shone anything in the garden but for the rest of the year they were just boring
green shrubs - I have enough of those in
the garden already. I’m hoping that as
the plants in this bed mature they will clump up and not look so small and
weedy. I shall be interested to see what the effect will be in the years to
The rose border in summer.