Tuesday, 13 July 2021

What a Difference Some Lavender Makes

Lavender is such a useful semi-shrub.   It can be used in so many different ways – for cooking and medicinal purposes, in the garden it attracts pollinators and can be used to create a variety of “feelings” in a given planting scheme.

Here in my Northumberland garden I use it to edge the raised terrace on which our house stands.

Lavender loves a sunny spot, it prefers free draining soil and apart from a trim when it’s finished flowering and a quick feed, it’s practically maintenance free.

The terrace is raised up about three foot from the rest of the garden.

The bare stone work is severe as can be seen here but isn’t our view fabulous

About five years ago I purchased, online, 50 Lavender Hidcote plants in 9cm pots and planted them in the gravel between the paving slabs and the sheer drop of the terrace.

I also planted them in the narrow border between the paved area and the house.





Now the terrace to the east and south of our property looks like this.

on the east side of the terrace


on south side of terrace looking east

I hope you enjoyed our spectacular lavender bushes and incredible view.  

Hope to write soon.