Wednesday, 1 June 2022

May Highlights

It has been a busy few weeks despite the weather being not conducive to gardening.  

So here are some best bits from my garden captured on camera.


A cockchafer beetle (or Maybug) which I spotted walking up the drive,

the bluebells and cow parsley in the wood

in the wildflower hedge - the red champion,  

ox eye daisies 

and Hawthorn are in blossom;

the ex-guinea pig shed almost complete,

in the fruit cage - alpine strawberries flowering,

R. Madam Butterfly, 

and R. Canary Bird – I grow these as my maternal grandfather grew them in his garden in Stoneleigh (south London).


A few Sundays ago T and I had a stall at Hexham car boot sale, I took £88 in plant sales alone which is pretty good going.

I hope to see you again in the next few weeks; in the meantime make some time to enjoy your green space no matter how big or small.