Sunday, 10 December 2017

Garden Tour

The house and garden covers just under an acre in size with the house standing more or less in the middle of the plot and the garden surrounding around it.  It will be a lot easier to understand the layout if I take you on a descriptive tour round the garden. 

View of the drive from the house looking towards the main entrance

Starting from the main entrance; as you walk up the paved drive, to your right is a triangular area running parallel with the drive; I call this the oriental garden and is home to a collection of azaleas, acers and rhododendrons, on your left is a small copse of mainly sycamore trees which is covered by an area preservation order. 

Walking on past our house on your right and with our garage to your left you enter a sheltered north-facing paved area, this has herbaceous borders on the northern side and also running alongside our garage.  Diagonally in front of you, on the opposite side of the paved area, is the greenhouse; if you walk on with the greenhouse to your left, in front of you is the orchard.  This is where we have apple, plum and cherry trees. In between the orchard and the northern boundary hedge stands the fruit cage where I grow soft fruits.  

Walk to your right through the orchard and past the back door of the house and you come to a south-facing sunken terrace built of local stone.  The terrace has a flight of steps leading down to it from the orchard and facing south; walking across the sunken terrace leads you to the south-facing green walkway, this has two parallel borders where shrubs such as osmanthus, box, sarcococca and azaleas grow. At the end of this walkway on a plinth is a bust of Julius Caesar.  

At Julius Caesar turn to your right and you walk on the main lawn of 450 sq metres. In front of you on the other end of the front lawn is the oriental garden and to your right is our house raised up on a terrace with steps leading down on the lawn. 

Up against the terrace’s supporting wall and either side of the stone steps are two borders where I grow or attempt to grow anything with a blue flower.  If you climb the steps of the terrace surrounding the house and then walk to your left in front of the house you emerge back on the main drive and well that’s the end of the tour.

I hope you enjoyed walking round our garden; in the years we have lived here we have never deliberately planned the layout; it has evolved over the years into the areas that exist today.  These areas need regular maintenance and tweaking throughout the year and I plan to record my work in this blog as and when the time comes. 


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About me

My name is Miranda and I was born and grew up in Surrey.  I have been married now for 29 years and have a daughter and a son.  Throughout our married life my husband and I have had to move our family around the country several times due to job relocations.   We enjoy our life in the north-east of England and do not relish the thought of further moves.

I currently work as a secretary, I love going to concerts and the theatre, visiting other peoples gardens, painting and drawing, lying on beaches in hot countries and generally enjoying life, BUT most of all I love gardening.


Over the years I have lived in four different counties and owned gardens in three - Sussex, Hertfordshire and now Northumberland so I reckon I have acquired quite a lot of knowledge and experience of gardening in a variety of locations and situations.  

Over the years each garden has had to fulfill so many demands put upon it - from child friendly gardens which educate and amuse to somewhere photogenic enough to use in college/university assignments.  In all three counties each garden has truly been multi-functional.

In future blogs I plan to describe which gardening methods I have found work here in Northumberland as well as to record any changes that I make to the garden. I hope that my posts will be of interest to someone but would like to remind all that what I find works here is either because of advice given to me or what I have discovered through trying anything and everything which comes to mind, and that it may not necessarily work for you in your own garden.