Saturday, 4 February 2023

February, Flu and Day Trips

Wow, it’s February already, January seems to have whizzed by, and I haven't posted any journals for nearly two months.  In my defence for much of that time I was laden down with flu, my symptoms started in mid-December and lasted until mid-January.  Even now, at the beginning of February, I am still left with occasional uncontrollable fits of coughing but I am pleased to say that these are becoming less frequent as the weeks go by.

Last weekend I participated in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch which I do every year.  It was lovely to sit down, armed with mug of hot coffee and binoculars and watch and count the birds as they visit my garden.  Here is my first serious attempt at using my camera and its zoom lens so apologies for the grainy quality.

Despite being laden down with flu, we have had some lovely trips out over the past two months.

Christmas at Beamish (Living Museum of the North) is always beautiful and atmospheric. 

We visited two volunteer run steam railways and had trips on their steam trains – Tanfield Railway and Stephenson Steam Railway, their mince pies and hot chocolate are always delicious.

Tanfield Railway

Stephenson Steam Railway

For Christmas Pippin was given a new woolly jumper (I think the picture speaks for itself).

I ordered and received crataegus laevigata Paul’s Scarlet (bare root). I potted it up quickly as its new home will be the wildlife hedge (on our east facing boundary) and the soil will not have warmed up sufficiently until March.

Well, I think that just about covers the last month or so. 

I do hope you enjoyed the photographs.  I always think that images will hold one's attention for longer than lots of words.

Happy gardening and New Year to you all.

1 comment:

  1. I had the flu in December, and it was as sick as I've been in a long time. I'm glad you're over it and got to enjoy holiday fun and I hope your bare root plant does well. I have five shrubs up against my house hoping a couple make it until spring.
